
Showing posts with the label Chemicals

14 Chemicals used for diff. battery manuf. Industry

Some of the key materials or chemicals that are needed in manufacturing different combinations of batteries for energy storage: Cadmium Zinc Chloride Manganese Oxide Lithium - Lithium copper oxide Nickel Ammonium chloride Lead (iv) oxide Iron disulphide Copper oxide carbon fluoride Chromium Oxide Mercury oxide Magnesium Silver Oxide the information on key battery materials, focusing on their global availability , extraction process , and GHG emissions associated with production : 1. Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) Batteries Key Materials : Cadmium, Nickel Resource Availability : Cadmium : Found as a byproduct of zinc refining; major producers include China, Korea, and Japan. Nickel : Abundant in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Russia. Extraction Process : Cadmium: Extracted during zinc smelting; involves roasting zinc ores, releasing cadmium vapor, which is then refined. Nickel: Typically extracted from sulfide or laterite ores using smelting or hydrometallurgical techniques. GHG Emissions : Cad...