
Showing posts with the label Calculators

IQ Calculator . . .

Dynamic IQ Test Dynamic IQ Self-Assessment Answer the randomly selected questions to estimate your IQ: Show Results Clear Share via Email On What basis IQ is calculated ? The average IQ numbers assigned to countries are derived from studies measuring intelligence quotient (IQ) , a standardized score that reflects an individual's cognitive abilities compared to others in their age group. Here's an overview of how these numbers are determined: 1. IQ Test Design and Standardization IQ is typically measured using tests like the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) , Stanford-Binet IQ Test , or similar tools. These tests assess various cognitive abilities, including: Logical reasoning Problem-solving Mathematical ability Verbal comprehension Spatial visualization The tests are standardized to have an average score of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, meaning most people score b...

Advanced DSM Calculator

DSM Calculator with Reset Option DSM Calculator with Reset Option Select State: Maharashtra Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Scheduled Energy (MWh): Actual Energy (MWh): Grid Frequency (Hz): Predicted Forecast Error (%): DSM Rate for Permissible Deviation (₹/kWh): DSM Penalty Rate for Excess Deviation (₹/kWh): Calculate DSM Reset Save Results Results: Enter values above and click "Calculate DSM" to see results.

Personal Carbon Emission Calculator

  Please enter the values to calculate your personal carbon emission that are generated in a particular day. Accordingly, the same can be considered for monthly or yearly basis. This will help in controlling the carbon emission with sustainable activities at your personal and professional timings. Personal Carbon Emission Calculator Daily Personal Carbon Emission Calculator Distance Traveled by Car (km): Distance Traveled by Bus (km): Distance Traveled by Bike (km): Electricity Consumed (kWh): Number of Meat-based Meals: Number of Vegetarian Meals: Calculate Emission Intructions for using the calculator: 1. Transportation section: the form takes the kilometers travelled by car, bus, and bike, each with its respective emission factor. 2. ELectricity sector: It calculates emi...