Nuclear Energy Structure of India
Agencies handling Nuclear in India are as follows:
1. Department of
Atomic Energy (DAE)
The DAE is the
umbrella that oversees all nuclear technology matters in India. This
includes research and development organisations, public sector undertakings,
industrial facilities, grant-in-aid organisations and service organisations
(see below), as well as nuclear power plants. The DAE was set up in the
year 1954 under the direct charge of
the Prime Minister.
2. Atomic Energy
Commission (AEC)
The Atomic Energy
Commission, or AEC, was established in 1958. It is responsible for implementing
government policy in all matters concerning atomic energy, as well as creating
policy and preparing annual budgets for the DAE. The AEC has been awarded
the full powers of the Government of India to carry out the work of the DAE,
with the single exception of its budget, which must be approved by Parliament.
Once its budget is passed, the AEC is not required to consult with or
report to parliament for any of its actions.
3. Atomic Energy
Regulatory Board (AERB)
The AERB is
India’s nuclear safety organisation, created in 1983 to ensure that the use of
ionising radiation and nuclear energy in India does not cause undue risk to
health or environment. Its actions are derived from the Atomic Energy Act
of 1962, and the Environmental (Protection) Act of 1986. The AERB is
responsible for monitoring all of the nuclear matters that fall under the DAE.
It reports to the AEC.
Any safety and
regulatory body should be independent, and indeed the AERB is intended to be
so. However, its ability to act independently is compromised by the fact that
it is both funded and provided technical staff by the DAE, which means it is
controlled in both administration and finance by the nuclear establishment it
is supposed to be regulating. The secretary of the DAE is also always the
chairman of the AEC; a cross-link that undermines any authority the AERB would
have to report violations.
The AERB is also
grossly understaffed. It is currently responsible for overseeing the design and
construction of five reactors and the safe operations of twenty
already-established reactors, as well as regulation at all other nuclear
facilities in the country. That includes the safe operation of 2409
radiation facilities such as the university research department that sent a
cobalt-60 source to a scrapyard in Delhi in 2009. It has a mere 215
under the DAE
Some of the
institutions under the DAE are:
- Bhabha
Atomic Research Centre (BARC) -
India's primary nuclear research facility, based in Mumbai. It has a
number of nuclear reactors, which are stated to be used only for India's
nuclear power and research programme.
- Nuclear
Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) – a public service
undertaking under the administrative control of the DAE. NPCIL is
responsible for implementing and operating the nuclear power reactors in
the country. Currently, it operates twenty reactors across India (see
- Bharatiya
Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited (BHAVINI) - established
in 2003 for the construction, commissioning and operation of fast breeder
reactors in India. Fast breeder reactors fall into the second stage of
India’s three stage programme. (make the red text a link to more info on
3-stage programme)
- Uranium
Corporation of India Limited (UCIL) –
a public service undertaking under the administrative control of the DAE.
UCIL is responsible for the mining and milling of uranium ore in India.
The firm operates mines at Jadugoda and several other places in Jharkhand.
- Nuclear Fuel
Complex - an
industrial unit of the DAE. It supplies nuclear fuel bundles and reactor
core components. The facility manufactures natural and enriched uranium
fuel, zirconium alloy cladding and reactor core components.
- Heavy Water
Board – an
industrial unit of the DAE. It is primarily responsible for production of
heavy water (deauterated water, D2O), which is used as a 'moderator' and
'coolant' in nuclear reactors.
- Electronics
Corporation of India Limited –
produces the electronics for India’s nuclear sector. This includes
control and instrumentation products for nuclear reactors, integrated
security systems for nuclear installations and instruments for measuring
Shrouded in
secrecy: the Atomic Energy Act, 1962
The nuclear
establishment in India is protected by the Atomic Energy Act of 1962, but this
policy framework is unjustified for a civilian nuclear sector devoted to
generating electricity. Under the provisions of the act, the government
is permitted to deny information to citizens requesting details of nuclear
power plants or nuclear material being used for research or industrial
purposes. In line with this, the DAE does not proactively disclose
details of safety measures at nuclear power plants, or of accidents which may
occur. Requests for these details from DAE are more often than not denied
citing sections 8 and/or 9 of the Act.
The 1962 Act
places all activities to do with nuclear energy under the sole authority of the
chairman of the AEC. This includes initiating, executing and promoting
atomic energy, controlling its exploration, planning and manufacturing all
atomic material and any related hardware in India, and all nuclear research and
developmental activities.
Section 3 of the
1962 Atomic Energy Act awards various powers concerning nuclear energy to
Central Government, including:
(c) to declare as
“restricted information" any data not so far published or otherwise made
public relating to -
the location,
quality and quantity of prescribed substances and transactions for their
acquisition, whether by purchase or otherwise, or disposal, whether by sale or
the processing of
prescribed substances and the extraction or production of fissile materials
from them;
the theory,
design, construction and operation of plants for the treatment and production
of any of the prescribed substances and for the separation of isotopes;
the theory,
design, construction and operation of nuclear reactors; and
research and
technological work on materials and processes involved in or derived from items
(i) to (iv);
(d) to declare as
"prohibited area" any area or premises where work including research,
design or development is carried on in respect of the production, treatment,
use, application or disposal of atomic energy or of any prescribed substance;
nuclear power in India
“While we pursue the three stage development
path, we have to remain aware of the rapidly increasing electricity generation
needs. For nuclear power to play its due role, its rate of deployment has to be
much faster. Only then can we expect to enhance the share of nuclear power.”
Anil Kakodkor, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission.
This is crux of the problem with India’s civilian nuclear sector. Irrespective of the three stage indigenous programme (see below), India needs a lot of energy sources for its power requirements. That’s where foreign reactors fit in. The government is also selling nuclear as a “clean and benign” energy which is an answer to both India’s energy security and climate change.
What is the history of nuclear
power in India?
India’s nuclear program was set up
in 1948, with the introduction of an Atomic Energy Bill in the Constituent
Assembly by India’s first prime minister. “If we are to remain abreast of the
world…we must develop this atomic energy,” opined Jawaharlal Nehru.
The act gives “exclusive
responsibility/rights” over atomic energy to the State, cutting off any
possible opposition from Indian people. However it was only in 1969, with the
help of US that India was able to start its first reactor in Tarapur.
As a non-signee to the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty, India was excluded from international trading on
nuclear commodities for many years. Its nuclear power plants were
therefore built up largely without external help or consultation, and outside
of the safety standards of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The
indigenous three-stage programme (details below) is a particular source of
national pride.
In 2008, the international trading
ban was lifted by the Nuclear Suppliers Group, opening the door for foreign
countries that wished to trade nuclear equipment and fuel with India, fenced
for civilian (non-weaponry) purposes. Deals with the US, France and
Russia swiftly followed, as well as with Canada, Mongolia, Kazakhstan,
Argentina, Namibia, South Korea and the UK. Foreign nuclear corporations
could now build reactors in India.
Why is nuclear power directly
under Prime Minister’s Office?
In 1954, Department of Atomic
Energy (DAE) was set up under direct charge of Prime Minister so that it is not
answerable to cabinet or to parliament. This special status still exists and is
uncalled for if a country has civilian nukes ambition. See question below
on the need for public debates on nuclear issues.
How many nuclear reactors does
India have and how many are under construction?
India has twenty operational
nuclear reactors in six states and seven under construction. The operational
reactors produce 4780 MW and the ones under construction are 4354 MW (except
fast breeder reactors).
What is India’s three stage
nuclear programme?
• Stage-I envisages construction
of natural uranium, heavy water moderated and cooled pressurised heavy water
reactors (PHWRs). Spent fuel from these reactors is reprocessed to obtain
• Stage-II : evisages construction
of fast breeder reactors (FBRs) fuelled by plutonium produced in Stage-I. These
reactors would also breed U-233 from thorium.
• Stage-III would comprise power
reactors using U-233 / thorium as fuel.
Isn’t nuclear power a solution to
climate change?
The reality is that nuclear power
could, on the industry’s best estimates, make only a negligible contribution to
CO2 reduction even in case of unprecedented massive growth. The expert
committee on an integrated energy policy set up by the planning commission
takes a dim view of nuclear power prospects. “Even if a 20-fold increase takes
place in India’s nuclear capacity by 2031-32, the contribution of nuclear to
the energy mix is at best expected to be 5-6 per cent.” That’s as optimistic as
the draft report is willing to go. This tiny contribution would also come too
late, given the fact that even in countries with established nuclear programs
planning, licensing and connecting to the grid typically takes more than a
decade. In contrast, construction time for a large wind turbine has fallen to
two weeks, with an associated planning period of between one and two years.
Unfortunately, faced by what the
nuclear industry is cleverly selling as a choice between ‘known’ technology
(nuclear) and ‘unknown’ technology (a combined approach of renewable energy
with energy efficiency), policy makers and investors alike are in grave danger
of choosing the former. We invite them to look at the Energy Revolution, an
energy roadmap for the future developed by Greenpeace. The in-depth document
clearly describes the possibility of providing fast, reliable energy access to
India’s population using a combination of renewable energy technology and
energy efficiency.
Nuclear power is a dangerous,
expensive and time-consuming distraction from the real solution to climate
Which utility deals with nuclear
power in India?
NPCIL is the only utility that
deals with civilian nuclear power in India.
Nuclear Power Corporation of India
Limited is a Public Sector Enterprise under the administrative control of the Department
of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India. The company was registered as a
Public Limited Company under the Companies Act of1956 in September 1987, with
the objective of operating atomic power stations and implementing atomic power
projects for generation of electricity, in pursuance of the schemes and
programmes of the Government of India under the Atomic Energy Act.
What about relative cost of
nuclear power in India?
• Homi Bhabha (1958):
“[in 10 to 15 years] the costs of [nuclear] power [would] compare with the cost
of power from very favourably conventional sources in many areas”
• M. R. Srinivasan (ex-AEC
Chairman)(1985): “[nuclear power] compares quite favourably with coal fired
stations, but only if the coal station is located 800 km away from the pithead
and in the 1990s would be even cheaper than coal fired stations at pithead”
• Nuclear Power Corporation Study
(1999) “Cost of nuclear electricity generation in India remains
competitive with thermal [electricity] for plants located about 1,200 km away
from coal pit head, when full credit is given to long term operating cost
especially in respect of fuel prices”
Aren’t Indian authorities very
strict about adhering to cost estimates and time lines?
Nuclear reactors being built today are more expensive than those built previously. Many countries have seen nuclear construction programmes go considerably over budget. In India, completion costs of the last ten reactors have averaged at least three hundred per cent over budget.
Does India have long term waste
disposal policy?
India does not have a long term
waste disposal policy. When questioned about radioactive waste, Kakodkar
(ex-AEC) said that no waste is released from nuclear power plants. “There
is no question of radioactive radiation at the site. Long-lived radioactivity
comes only in a reprocessing plant not a power plant. The remaining waste is
immobilised and then encapsulated for 30-40 years and we have the technology to
do the same. In India we do not bury the waste.”
Is there a need for public debates
on issues that affect public health?
In other countries, public
hearings are held before finalising the most appropriate site among the
different alternatives, for which environmental impact statements are prepared
and circulated among people well in advance. Unfortunately the Atomic Energy
Commission in India plays an apparently self-contradictory dual role, not only
as the promoter of atomic energy, but also as its regulator. There by, it
yields to expediency. In a participatory democracy, the people for whose
benefit the energy is intended, must have a say in determining which alternate
source of energy or which alternate location for a reactor, would be in the
best interests of the nation.
What about a citizen’s right to
The public has no access to the
details of even the routine releases from nuclear power plants. Similarly
regarding accidents, while the ministers claim India’s record of safety is
‘very high,’ no detailed information is available to the public so that it can
form its own opinion. There is no competent independent agency in the country
which can look into the safety records of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)
and under the secrecy provisions of the Atomic Energy Act, 1962, the Government
refuses to give the public access to critical information.
How effective are our safety
There have been numerous cases of
fires and minor leakages in the reactors during the past years. In Bhaba Atomic
Research Centre in Maharashtra, for example, a fountain was discovered in the
back garden, due to a leak in the pipe that brought in seawater for cooling the
plant. The water was found to be radioactive. It was later found that this
three inch thick steel pipe had corroded over the years because of a leak in a
different pipe, which had gone unchecked for at least twelve years. The other
pipe carried radioactive waste. As result of this unrepaired leak, the soil,
trees and land became contaminated with radioactive material.
In the Narora power plant, a large
fire broke out in 1994. The apparent cause of the fire was that the blades in
the turbines (provided by General Electric to Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited)
were faulty. General Electric had reported this fact to BHEL, but the latter
did not make the changes suggested by GE, as it would have meant extensive
machining of parts. This chalta hai attitude is one of the most serious safety
risk factors in India. After the Narora fire, other reactor turbines were
checked, and the same fault was also found at Kalpakkam nuclear power plant.
Are we prepared for an emergency?
Most nuclear power plants are
situated near the border between two states. In case of an emergency, there are
no relevant preparation plans for the neighbouring state. In case of the need
for evacuation, the plans cover a total distance of only 16 km. It is important
to remember that the effects of radiation do not confine themselves to this
distance. At Chernobyl the authorities had to evacuate people in a radius of 30
km from the reactor, and even then there were many ‘hot spots’ hundreds of
kilometres distant. In the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, an evacuation
zone of 20 km was proposed, and those between 20 and 30 km from the plant told
to stay indoors.
An effective emergency plan should
educate the public on what needs to be done in the case of an emergency.
In India, people seeking information are merely shunted between the plant
authorities and the District Collector’s office.
India has earthquake zones. How
does this fit with the nuclear power programme?
Nuclear facilities should not be
constructed close to known seismic faults. The Fukushima nuclear disaster
occurred at a nuclear power plant that was designed as both earthquake and
tsunami proof, but it was not enough to prevent the escape of radioactive
material into the environment, and near nuclear melt-down.
The containment dome of the Kaiga
nuclear power plant in Karnataka collapsed while under construction in 1994, casting
heavy doubt on the reliability of India’s nuclear power constructions.
The government is now
collaborating with French company AREVA to build the world’s largest nuclear
park in Jaitapur, Maharashtra. Under the national seismic
classifications, Jaitapur is rated as a zone four of a possible five.
This correlates to a ‘High Damage Risk Zone’. See our page on Jaitapur
power station for more information.
What about nuclear waste?
The radioactive waste from uranium
mines near Jadugoda, like at Musabani, is directly dumped into the Suvarnarekha
River. Similarly in Rawatbhata, Dr. Gadekar came across a large number of
coffee coloured beads near a stream close to a village. On inquiry, he found
that these were organic resins used to absorb radioactive elements. This waste,
which should remain confined to the premises of the power plant, is dumped near
rainwater streams in April, so that the monsoon would provide a solution to the
problem of radioactive waste disposal.
Does Greenpeace think we should
just turn off all of the nuclear stations right now?
We would love to but that would
not be practical. The Greenpeace Energy Revolution scenario describes a
nuclear phase-out, where existing reactors would be closed at the end
of their operational lifetime of 35 years.
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