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On What basis IQ is calculated ?The average IQ numbers assigned to countries are derived from studies measuring intelligence quotient (IQ), a standardized score that reflects an individual's cognitive abilities compared to others in their age group. Here's an overview of how these numbers are determined:
1. IQ Test Design and Standardization
IQ is typically measured using tests like the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), Stanford-Binet IQ Test, or similar tools. These tests assess various cognitive abilities, including:
- Logical reasoning
- Problem-solving
- Mathematical ability
- Verbal comprehension
- Spatial visualization
The tests are standardized to have an average score of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, meaning most people score between 85 and 115.
2. Data Collection for Countries
The country-level IQ averages are compiled through:
- Aggregating results from large-scale IQ testing across populations.
- Using proxies, such as educational performance metrics (e.g., PISA scores).
- Meta-analyses of existing intelligence research studies.
3. Socioeconomic and Environmental Factors
IQ scores are influenced by a range of factors beyond innate intelligence, including:
- Education systems: Access to quality education significantly impacts cognitive development.
- Healthcare and nutrition: Early childhood development is critical; malnutrition or poor healthcare can lower cognitive ability.
- Cultural and environmental influences: Social norms, exposure to problem-solving activities, and access to technology play a role.
4. Limitations and Criticism
- Sampling Bias: Not all countries have extensive IQ testing data, so estimates are often based on limited or indirect measurements.
- Cultural Bias: IQ tests may favor individuals from cultures aligned with Western-style education and reasoning.
- Broader Intelligence: IQ focuses on specific cognitive skills and may not capture creativity, emotional intelligence, or practical problem-solving abilities.
5. Source of Country Rankings
Rankings like those from IQ Global Test or studies by researchers such as Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen use a combination of direct testing data and proxies (like literacy rates or educational achievements) to estimate country-level IQs.
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