What is Weather Forecasting ?
Over the last 20 years, 3 day forecasts are better than, one day forecast delivered 20 years ago. “Numerical forecasting”, mathematical equations to predict weather forecasting require powerful computers and lots of observable data collected from land, sea, and air. Thousands of (more than 01 million) weather stations are located across the globe for data pooling. Instruments like ground-based wind gauges (anemometers), rain collectors, and temperature sensors are used by amateur weather watchers.
Complex mathematical models to
predict, new based on incoming data, weather conditions might change over time.
Large-scale phenomena, each are governed by multiple factors considering
external and internal factors of the solar system, observing sun temperature
and other radiations, earth temperature, pressure difference, will form clouds
and winds, change in phase of ice-water-gas which will affect the flow of
The National Centres for
Environmental Prediction (NCEP), objective is to provide weather, water, and
climate data, forecasts, warnings, and impact-based decision support services
for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the national
economy. This is one of the common objectives of all different country weather
forecasting centres globally.
Weather Satellites, weather
balloons, powerful photographs, and Observatories located across the globe monitor
the earth and surroundings conditions by each nation.
MIT Metrologist, Edward Loren2,
Butterfly effect, is the father of “Chaos Theory”, a set of scientific
principles describing highly complex systems, such as weather systems where
small changes in initial conditions radically change the final results. The
limitation to “how accurate weather forecasts can be Lorenz set this limit at
two weeks.
Modern technology, methodology,
and techniques to “Ensemble forecast”, consist of several factors, each based
on slightly different starting points. If the prediction in the ensemble looks the
same then the weather is likely to balance if not misbehave.
“Doppler radar” to monitor weather conditions more effectively and improve forecasts. It requires a transmitter to emit radio waves into the sky. The waves strike atmospheric objects and bounce back. Radio waves hit the clouds and return in different kinds of reflected radio waves, converted into pictures showing the cloud's coverage and bands of precipitation, wind speeds, and direction.
The list of World Metrological Organisations are as follows:
Afghanistan - Afghanistan Meteorological Authority (AMA)
Albania - The Hydrometeorological Institute
Algeria - National Meteorological Office (MeteoAlgerie)
Andorra - Servei Meteorologic d'Andorra
Angola - Instituto Nacional de Hidrometeorologia e Geofisica
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